Dairy farmers learn business aspects of dairy enterprise

Fifty-five dairy farmers have equipped themselves with the essentials of starting a business enterprise capitalizing on the abundance of their main produce – carabao milk.


The participants are members of different dairy cooperatives in Nueva Ecija, which is the National Impact Zone (NIZ) of the Carabao Development Program of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC).


The four-day training was held at the PCC National Headquarters and Gene Pool in the Science City of Muñoz on December 19-22, 2013. It was conducted in partnership with the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), which funded the project through the Nueva Ecija Dairy Convergence System.


Spearheaded by PCC’s Dairy Herd Improvement and Enterprise Development (DHI/ED) unit, the training is part of a strengthening program to enhance the capabilities of carabao-based dairy cooperatives.


It also aims to complement other trainings undergone by the dairy farmers regarding carabao raising.


Aside from production-related matters, dairy farmers need to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for the business aspect of dairy production. These are necessary to help ensure the sustainability of the operation of dairy cooperatives.


Sinusubukan nating tugunan lahat ng aspetong kailangan sa operasyon ng isang organisasyon para umunlad itong ating mga dairy cooperatives (We try to cater to the needs in all aspects of operation of an organization to help our dairy cooperatives progress),” Wilma del Rosario, Agriculturist II of PCC, said.


Useful siya lalo na sa mga buffalo handlers. Meron na akong background on how I will manage, just in case mapadami o mapalago ko iyong mga alaga ko, at imamarket ang mga products at by-products (It is useful especially for buffalo handlers. I now have a background on how to manage, just in case I’ll be able to expand my operation, and how to market the products and other by-products [of buffalo production]),” Nieves Moralla Capan from Nag-iisang Masikap sa General Natividad, said.


At the end of the training, the participants were urged to apply what they have learned in formulating a business plan covering 5 to 10 years.


Dr. Fe L. Porciuncula, director of the Ramon Magsaysay Center for Agricultural Resources and Environmental Studies (RM CARES), and Dr. Pablo J. Rafael, Jr., chair of the Agribusiness department of the College of Agriculture of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU), served as resource persons during the three-day training.


Toward improving services Staff, BOD members of NEFEDCCO-member coops undergo “Pioneering Spirit Training” in Pampanga

A total of 43 directors and staff of cooperatives belonging to the Nueva Ecija Federation of Dairy Carabao Cooperatives (NEFEDCCO) have completed the Pioneering Spirit Training designed for “values-orientation in instilling discipline, individual reformation and teamwork to achieve sustainable dairy cooperatives.”


The participants were divided into two batches for the training conducted by the Canaan Farmer’s Training Foundation Center, Inc. (CFTFC) in its training center in Barangay Gutad, Floridablanca, Pampanga on Nov.25-26 and Dec.12-13.


The activity was organized by the Philippine Carabao Center’s Dairy Herd Improvement and Enterprise Development (DHI-ED) unit thru agriculturist II Wilma del Rosario.


Elder Kwan Soo Lee and Neribeth Ignacio, CFTFC president and assistant director, respectively, served as resource persons.


“If there is no transformation of mind-set, then there will be no transformation of the behavior. That’s why the important thing is to put transformation first as the starting point on the road to progress,“ Lee said, in emphasizing the essence of the training.


“We start with the pioneering spirit to practice work, service and sacrifice in our lives,” he added.


Ignacio, on the other hand, explained that “unang-una nating dapat na maintindihan na ang pagbabago ay hindi agad sa malakihang bahagdan kundi sisimulan natin sa maliliit na bagay, sa simpleng bagay na araw-araw na ginagawa sa pansariling buhay (We must first of all realize that development is not a one-time, big-time event but rather a process that starts from small, simple things that we do in our personal lives).”


The topics covered in the training course were pioneering history, Canaan strategies, pioneering spirit, living constitution, basic economy, community development, small- scale entrepreneurship and life toward Canaan. The Canaan ideology on work, service and sacrifice was also given emphasis.


Aside from the lectures and group discussions, the participants underwent field work in which they cultivated the land to “go back to the basic ways of living to cultivate the body, mind and spirit and rekindle everyone’s sensibility for cooperation.”


At the culmination of the training, the participants voiced their appreciation for the two-day live-in activity.


“Ang mahalaga, kahit parang sinasabing simple lang, malaking bagay na ito. Sa trabaho kapag nagkaisa kami o nagtulong-tulong ay malaking bagay ito para iyong  susunod ay matatapos ng madali (Even the so-called small things are important. In work, when we join forces, it is already a big thing so that the next task can be done at once and easily),” Juanito Dumali, director of a dairy cooperative in Licaong, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, said.


For Heraldo delo Santos, a BOD member of Casile Cooperative, the lessons he learned were “to appreciate and respect each other and to be thrifty.”


On the the other hand, Myra Bennales, NEFEDCCO treasurer, said that she realized the value of “time management and discipline in working for one’s self and more so for others to do a job well.”





PCC head keynotes CLARRDEC symposium; stresses research role in “inclusive growth”

How can we include the agricultural sector in the country’s fast-growing economy?


This was the challenge posed by Dr. Libertado C. Cruz, executive director of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), in his keynote speech before scientists and researchers who participated in the 24th Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights of the Central Luzon Agricultural Resources Research and Development Consortium (CLARRDEC) held December 5 at the PCC National Headquarters and Gene Pool.


Drawing from the event’s theme, “Facing the Challenges of Inclusive Growth through Research for Development,” the PCC head underscored the importance of cascading the benefits of the positive growth in the economy to as many people as possible, particularly to the rural poor. 


To do this, he said, it is important to increase the income of the rural poor and this is where the role of research lies.


He said scientists have been devoting researches on how to improve productivity at the production level. 


However, most of the benefits from this exercise are derived at the post-production level when goods are given additional value after processing. It is therefore time to focus studies on how to add more value to products while trying to produce more, Cruz pointed out.


He also emphasized on research for development as opposed to research and development. The former, he said, places research, in essence, as a tool for achieving the desired development, hence giving more prominence to development. The latter places the two as separate entities on equal ground. 


Cruz challenged the scientists and researchers to understand the science of small-hold people as they are the beneficiaries of development and the subject of inclusive growth.


“As scientists, we have an obligation to spend our meaningful life on earth to contribute to science not only for ourselves but also to society,” he stated.


The symposium brought together a big number of representatives from 29 member-agencies and other government institutions that conduct and promote research and development in agriculture, forestry and natural resources in Central Luzon. 


A total of 19 papers under various research and development categories were presented.

Buffalo-producing countries mull international dairy buffalo semen exchange

Scientists, breeders and geneticists have initiated a move to organize a technical working group as a major step in accelerating efforts aimed at facilitating the exchange of best buffalo genetics worldwide.


This development is an offshoot of an international genetic improvement conference and workshop focusing on dairy buffaloes held November 28-29 at the Marriot Hotel in Pasay City, Metro Manila.


The two-day gathering was hosted by the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), an attached agency of the Department of Agriculture that is mandated to improve the genetic potentials of the native buffalo as source of milk and meat.


The group envisions the establishment of an international semen exchange program that will facilitate easier identification and exchange of the best buffalo genetics among cooperating countries.


According to PCC executive director Dr. Libertado C. Cruz, the program will be patterned with that of Interbull, a worldwide committee which makes accurate genetic evaluations among cattle, both within and across countries.


“There are two mechanisms used in [the evaluation of] dairy cattle. The first is the system of gathering accurate information on the animal and establishing a neutral body that will capture all the data from different countries and analyze the genetic potential of each of the animal under each given environment and [the second is] an opportunity of germplasm exchange,” he explained.


He stressed that in order to establish the semen exchange program, participating countries need to agree to be a part of the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR), a “worldwide organization for the standardization of animal recording and productivity evaluation” under which the Interbull is a sub-committee.


From this, the group will be able to collect accurate data to be sent to ICAR for evaluation,  he added.


The collaboration is part of PCC’s genetic improvement efforts among dairy buffaloes. Through the program, it will be easier to identify the animals with best genetic characteristics among millions of buffaloes which will be used to breed more best-performing buffaloes.

The program will ultimately benefit the rural farmers in terms of improved livelihood and income.


Aside from the Philippines, the other countries represented in the conference were India, Pakistan, Brazil, Italy, China and Australia. An ICAR representative, who served as a consultant, also attended the gathering.


PCC at CSU, USM now ISO certified

Two more regional centers of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) have successfully passed the certification audit conducted under the International Standard on Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008).

“PCC at Cagayan State University (PCC at CSU) in Piat, Cagayan and PCC at University of Southern Mindanao (PCC at USM) in Kabacan, North Cotabato are now ISO 9001:2008-certified,” Minda Diloy, head of PCC’s Integrated Management Audit Section, said.

This brings to five the total number of ISO 9001-certified PCC regional centers. The other regional centers are PCC at Mariano Marcos State University (PCC at MMSU), PCC at University of the Philippines at Los Baños (PCC at UPLB), and PCC at Ubay Stock Farm (PCC at USF). 

The auditing and certification were done by TÜV SÜD PSB Philippines, the first certification body in Asia to introduce ISO 9000 as a basis for quality system certification. Its renown as a leading global provider of technical services has spread worldwide as it continues to assist clients improve quality, safety and reliability while ensuring environmental protection and cost effectiveness.

The certification audits for PCC at CSU and PCC at USM were undertaken on August 5-6 and October 10-11, respectively.

Diloy revealed that the preparation for certification varies, depending on the pace of the organization. PCC at CSU made it in 28 months. Activities started with the QMS documentation training and workshop with all the center staff in April 2011. Its succeeding activities involved establishment of necessary documents (procedures for all divisions/ sections/units); testing of the written documents; conducting internal audit and inviting the certifying body to conduct an initial evaluation of its system through the stage 1 audit.

PCC at USM’s preparation, on the other hand, was relatively shorter. The QMS documentation training and workshop were done in August 2012. The same activities conducted at PCC at CSU were employed and the certification audit was done 14 months after the first activity.

According to Diloy, the certification audit was conducted by a certifying body by thoroughly checking or evaluating the presence of documented mandatory requirements of Quality Management System such as control of documents, records, non-conforming products/services, internal quality audit, and corrective and preventive actions. 

She said that the availability of these documents subjected for initial auditing indicated the readiness of the two regional centers audited for the processes necessary in the development of its products and delivery of service. 

The implementation of the written procedures in the audit process, she pointed out, was evidenced by consistently keeping records and making use of these records to design corrective actions whenever found necessary.  Preventive actions come after an organization has determined potential problems that may hamper its smooth operations, she added.

Diloy said the duration of the certification cycle lasts for three years. She added that the organization will have to undergo the first surveillance audit a year after the certification to check on the sustained implementation of the established system.

It was learned that the certification may be suspended or withdrawn when major non-conformities are found and the implementation of corrective action is not done within the prescribed period. 

The second surveillance audit is done after another year, which means completing one certification cycle.

According to the procedures, an organization applies for the renewal of its certificate after the third year in which the re-certification audit is conducted by a certifying body.

(With reports from Minda Diloy)

Coop BOD members, general managers undergo strategic planning training

The board of directors (BOD) and the general managers are the driving force behind every cooperative. They establish the strategic direction of the coop and craft plans that will take them toward that direction. Thus, it is important that they are knowledgeable and properly skilled in formulating effective and efficient strategic plans.


Within this framework, 51 members of BOD and general managers of 21 dairy cooperatives in Nueva Ecija completed a strategic planning workshop held November 19-21 at the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) National Headquarters and Gene Pool in the Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.


The training course is one of 14 modules under the Standard Training Curricula developed by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) for cooperative officers who need to be equipped with competencies necessary in discharging their respective responsibilities.


Trainers from the CDA-accredited training center at the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) conducted the three-day course.


Engr. Adorable Pineda, head of the presidential staff at CLSU, urged the participants to be systems thinkers who look at their respective cooperative as a system wherein each member is an interrelated component.


That system works within the context of larger systems, and better performance is achieved with the strengthening and balancing of the processes within the system, he pointed out.


In this context, participants reviewed and analyzed their respective cooperatives to determine if these are responsive to their mission, vision and goals. They evaluated the different indicators on the organizational, social and economic aspects of their coops’ operation. They also looked at current trends and issues relevant to their cooperatives in the national and global context.


From this take-off point, Dr. Pastora S. Coloma, CLSU director for extension, guided the participants through the different processes involved in crafting a strategic plan for their respective cooperatives.


“A strategic plan is an organization’s game plan or business plan to reach its goals,” Dr. Coloma explained. “It usually covers a period of 3-5 years and takes careful planning. It should also be duly approved by the members of the cooperative,” she added.


According to Coloma, strategic planning involves identifying the issues that need to be addressed with respect to the vision, mission and goals set by the coop.


She added that analyzing and evaluating internal and external factors affecting the coops, classifying them as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats, will help determine the proper course of action in crafting a sound strategy for each coop.


As a final output for the training, the participants were then grouped according to their respective cooperatives and formulated sample of strategic plans, which they presented during the last day of the training.


“The cooperatives are encouraged to continuously develop their coop by formulating relevant strategic plans. We are requesting them to develop their strategic plans for the next five years and to furnish us a copy of such plans,” Wilma Del Rosario, Agriculturist II at PCC who currently works closely with the cooperatives, said.


Nueva Ecija celebrates 7th “Gatas ng Kalabaw Festival”

The province of Nueva Ecija continues to pursue its bid to become the “Dairy Capital of the Philippines” as it observed the 7th edition of the annual “Gatas ng Kalabaw (Carabao’s Milk) Festival”, this time graciously hosted by the town of Gen. Natividad.


The festival, which was held November 15, at the town’s gymnasium, aims to promote the dairy buffalo’s milk not only for economic benefits but also for the promotion of health and nutrition among small-hold dairy farmers and their families as well as the consumers.


Highlight of this year’s celebration was the symbolic “tagay pugay (toast of salutation)”, a simultaneous milk toasting and drinking featuring school children and representatives from partner private institutions and government agencies. It emphasized the significance of multi-sectoral efforts in promoting and uplifting the local dairy industry in Nueva Ecija, which is the National Impact Zone (NIZ) of the Carabao Development Program (CDP) of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC).


Speaking during the opening program, PCC chief of operations Dr. Annabelle Sarabia affirmed PCC’s continuous support to the local dairy farmers. She also thanked the local government units (LGUs) of Nueva Ecija and other agencies that are supporting PCC in its endeavor to develop and strengthen the local dairy industry for the benefit of the rural dairy farmers. 


During the program, the Nueva Ecija provincial office of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) awarded milking equipment and village-based milk collection centers to clustered dairy cooperatives in the towns of Guimba, Sto. Domingo, Llanera, and General Natividad during a ceremonial turn-over as part of DTI’s “Shared Service Facilities” program.


As a complementary feature of the festival, DTI provincial director Brigida Pili also launched the agency’s Diskwento Caravan”. The caravans offer discounted Nueva Ecija-made products that include, among others, food items, spices and hand-made baskets. The caravan aims to assist local entrepreneurs in promoting their products not only in the province but in other parts of Central Luzon as well.


Spearheaded by DTI in partnership with the Gen. Natividad LGU, the festival was participated in by officials from public agencies, LGUs, and dairy cooperatives from Gen. Natividad, Llanera, San Jose City, Science City of Munoz, and Talavera town. The municipality of Gen. Natividad has four PCC-assisted dairy cooperatives.


Gen. Natividad Mayor Areli Grace Santos, meanwhile, has accepted the request that her town serve again as host for the next festival, which will coincide with the foundation anniversary of her town in July, 2014.