PCC to celebrate 24th anniversary

With its unwavering commitment to enhance technologies and practices that conserve, propagate and promote the carabao as a source of milk, meat, and draft power for the benefit of small-holder farmers, the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) will be celebrating its 24th anniversary on March 22-31, 2017. This event’s theme, “Boosting milk and meat production for […]

Selected dairy farmers undergo training on proper feeding, management of dairy buffalo calves

Fourteen dairy farmers gained better understanding of the common issues on animal health and nutrition including the economic benefits of using alternative milk supplements thru a farmers’ training on “Proper Feeding and Management Practices for Raising Buffalo Calves from Birth to Weaning” last March 7 at the PCC national headquarters, Science City of Muñoz in […]

Milka Krem opens new branch store at UPLB

A new branch store of Milka Krem was recently opened at the University of the Philippines-Los Baños (UPLB). It was established to serve as a technology demonstration and learning hub and where the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) at UPLB and farmers could sell their dairy buffalo products. Among the dairy products available at the said […]

PCC-SEARCA study identifies weaker players in value chain for carabao, carabao-based products; interventions supplied

In the production of carabao and carabao-based products up to the marketing aspects, who gets the least benefits? Mostly those in the production site, who are the farmers and the producers, studies revealed. “They are the identified weaker players,” results of the studies on the Value Chain Analysis (VCA) said. The study, according to Zadieshar […]

Researchers urged to use molecular biology techniques in biotech research

Researchers, especially on livestock biotechnology, should be familiar with molecular biology techniques as these are the forefront of most modern scientific researches in livestock, Dr. Claro Mingala, Scientist II, of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), said. “We encourage more researchers to use molecular biology techniques because only a few are using them here in the […]

Farmer Livestock School pilot class graduates, now ready to apply new learnings in dairy buffalo production

Thirty-six dairy farmers in Nueva Ecija recently graduated from the very first “Farmer Livestock School on Dairy Buffalo Production (FLS-DBP)” in the Philippines and are expected to implement good practices in their dairy buffalo production systems to increase efficiency and income. Said FLS graduation was held last February 10 at the City Hall of San […]

PCC, DSWD, partner-LGUs launch milk supplementation program for daycare pupils in Region 10

DA-PCC and DSWD recently launched a pilot convergence program on milk supplementation for Region 10 in cooperation with the local government units (LGUs) of Maramag, San Fernando and Damulog, Bukidnon. Said launching was held at the Maramag Gymnasium in Bukidnon last January 31. A ceremonial awarding of check amounting to Php13,324,080 to PCC and cooperating […]