PCC now in sync with enhanced eNGAS and eBudget system

“In just one click, we can now easily generate and track financial reports from the computer regarding how much funds were utilized and disbursed by our agency by using the enhanced eNGAS and eBudget system software that were developed by our national government,”Jean Gasmeña, chief of Philippine Carabao Center’s (PCC) administrative and finance division (AFD), […]

PCC launches Dairy Box Dairy Delicatessen one-stop shop

The Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) recently launched a market venue called “Dairy Box Dairy Delicatessen” to bring the carabao farmers’ buffalo-derived products closer to the market. The Dairy Box carries the tagline “Go local, go dairy”, which is anchored on its purpose of serving tourists and locals interested in buying freshly made products that use […]

Dairy farmer-trustees discuss DTI’s shared service facility in general assembly

Farmer-trustees of 11 cooperatives, which were recipients of shared service facility (SSF) from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), recently met in a general assembly at the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) national headquarter and gene pool in Munoz, Nueva Ecija to discuss various matters related to the said facility. The SSF are milking machines […]

International training course on reproductive biotechnologies held at PCC

Reproductive technologies are helpful tools in improving and multiplying the dairy herd. This was stressed by Dr. Eufrocina Atabay, head of the Reproductive Biotechnology and Physiology Unit of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), as 17 participants from 10 countries completed an “International Training Course on Dairy Herd Improvement by the Use of Reproductive Biotechnology” held […]

PCC, other stakeholders take close look at Thai dairy industry

A tripartite delegation led by Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) Acting Executive Director Dr. Arnel N. Del Barrio and PCC at Ubay Stock Farm Center Director Caro B. Salces took a close look at the dairy industry of Thailand on July 3-10. Thai Ambassador to the Philippines H.E. Thanatip Upatising  joined the group in their week-long […]

PCC’s CBED translates to additional income for farmers, new jobs

Farming families, who see the color of money only at the end of every harvest season, now have access to daily cash from milk sales, thanks to the carabao-based enterprise development (CBED) program of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC). The continuing efforts of PCC in upgrading the breed of native buffaloes by transforming them from […]

PCC-USF pioneers PCC, DSWD dairy convergence project

Continuing efforts aimed at the development of the local dairy industry has received another boost with the transfer of a P10-million starter kit training fund from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to the Philippine Carabao Center at Ubay Stock Farm (PCC at USF). The fund transfer was done during a ceremony held […]

PCC conducts 2015 R4D in-house review

The Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) is moving into a non-traditional, problem-oriented and focused Research for Development (R4D) that has more relevance to stakeholders in the carabao industry. In the context of this new paradigm, PCC showcased its research efforts in this year’s R4D in-house review held at the PCC national headquarters on June 16-17. Focusing […]

Aquino lauds Philippine livestock sector for ensuring food safety from farm to fork

President Benigno Aquino III has recognized the effort of the livestock sector in safeguarding public health while ensuring enough production to meet the demand for meat and poultry products. The chief executive took note of the twin achievements in his keynote address during the opening ceremony of Livestock 2015 Philippines Expo on June 25 at […]