The DA-Philippine Carabao Center (DA-PCC) and the DA-National Dairy Authority (NDA) convened for a strategic planning workshop to enhance milk production and harmonize reporting mechanisms with the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) on February 20-21, 2025 at Harolds Hotel in Quezon City.
The initiative aims to streamline milk supply mapping nationwide, ensuring efficient data collection and monitoring as part of the implementation of Republic Act 11037, which promotes the provision of nutritious milk to Filipino children. By harmonizing data reporting systems, the agencies seek to foster transparency and accountability in the dairy industry.
The workshop outlined strategic initiatives to strengthen the dairy sector. Discussions focused on identifying areas for growth, improving farm productivity, and enhancing the dairy supply chain to achieve milk sufficiency.
NDA Administrator Atty. Marcus Antonius Andaya highlighted the need for stronger collaboration between DA-PCC and NDA, urging both agencies to share resources and establish a unified monitoring system for data collection.
DA-PCC’s Executive Director III Dr. Liza G. Battad stressed the importance of equanimity and managing affective valence in achieving productive collaboration.
Atty. Rhaegee Tamaña, Chief of Staff to Senator Cynthia Villar, underscored that mindset and determination are more critical than the pace of progress.
She backed the establishment of a unified monitoring and reporting system between DA-PCC, NDA, and PSA to ensure consistency in data management.
Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary for Ruminants Benjamin Albarece underscored the goal of ensuring that 80% of productive units in the dairy industry consist of milking animals. He also emphasized the importance of sexed semen technology in accelerating population growth within the sector and called for a reassessment of the sustainable breeding program.
By fostering collaboration between DA-PCC and DA-NDA, the initiative seeks to streamline data collection, ensure consistency, and improve decision-making across the dairy sector.