Indian acting ambassador explores agri tie-ups with DA-PCC

Indian embassy chargé d’affaires Dr. Sadre Alam recently visited the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Carabao Center National Headquarters and Gene Pool in an effort to explore mutually beneficial collaborations aimed at strengthening India-Philippines relations.

During the visit, Deputy Executive Director for Research and Development Dr. Claro N. Mingala and OIC-Chief Knowledge Management Division Rowena S. Galang briefed Dr. Alam on DA-PCC’s programs, services, and mandate. They highlighted the nationwide milk feeding efforts, which benefit a significant number of children and carapreneurs, and provided an overview of key initiatives such as the Carabao-based Enterprise Development Program (CBED) and the Coconut-Carabao Development Project, the latter funded by Senator Cynthia Villar.

Dr. Alam’s visit also included a stop at the National Livestock Cryobank, where he was warmly welcomed by Dr. Liza Battad, Executive Director of DA-PCC. Dr. Battad and Aivhie Jhoy Cuanang, Science Research Specialist I, showcased the research facilities and discussed the cryobank’s role in conserving diverse animal genetic resources, emphasizing DA-PCC’s commitment to livestock preservation and enhancement.

The itinerary also featured a quick tour of the gene pool and a visit to Milka Krem, the DA-PCC’s dairy products outlet. Dr. Alam and his family purchased various DA-PCC products, with the ambassador noting his family’s appreciation for the items and mentioning that drinking milk is a popular tradition in India.

Expressing keen interest in future collaborations, Dr. Alam offered both technical and financial assistance to support DA-PCC’s initiatives marking a positive step towards enhancing agricultural and scientific ties between India and the Philippines.