Empowering farmers with a basket of technology options through Facilitators Training

The persistent challenge in disseminating agricultural technologies lies in their low adoption rate. This challenge is often attributed to ineffective communication between technology providers (scientists and researchers) and end-users (farmers).

To bridge this gap, the DA-Philippine Carabao Center (DA-PCC) and the Livestock Research Division of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) have developed a set of learning modules on Dairy Buffalo Production.

These modules, anchored in participatory approaches, contextual knowledge, and adult learning processes, are deemed more suitable for smallholder farmers. This initiative, known as the “Farmers Livestock School on Dairy Buffalo Production” (FLS-DBP), aims to empower farmers with a basket of technology options.

From November 13-24, 2023, 21 participants from the provinces of Tarlac, Cagayan Valley, Isabela, Quirino, Ifugao, and Apayao completed the 2-week Training of Trainers/Facilitators for the FLS-DBP. The training, held at the DA-Philippine Carabao Center National Headquarters and Gene Pool, equipped the future facilitators with comprehensive knowledge of Dairy Buffalo Production, encompassing topics ranging from Mobilizing Communities for FLS and Raising Healthy and Productive Dairy Buffalo to Participatory Technology Development and Building Enterprises from Buffalo.

The workshop employed unconventional methodologies, emphasizing experimental learning through exercises, games, fieldwork, case analysis, and lecture discussions. This approach aims to enhance the facilitators’ ability to transfer and demonstrate knowledge and technologies in a manner that is easily understandable for farmers, effectively bridging the communication gap between technology providers and the intended users.

These accredited FLS-DBP facilitators are now poised to facilitate 34-week Farmers Livestock Schools on Dairy Buffalo Production in their respective localities. These schools will empower farmers to explore a basket of technology options and learn through experiments and testing, enabling them to identify and adopt the technologies most suited to their local conditions, challenges, resources, and capabilities.