Lamut farmers learn sustainable carabao production practices

In a bid to promote sustainable carabao production and address the declining carabao population in the province, the Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO) of Lamut, Ifugao organized an event titled “Training on Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP) for Livestock Farmers of Ifugao”. This event, held last November 3 at the Municipal Livelihood Center, brought together farmers from all 18 barangays of Lamut, who demonstrated their commitment to preserving the carabao as an integral part of their community’s identity and economic livelihood.

The training aimed to raise awareness among farmers about the importance of carabao production and equip them with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and sustain their carabao herds.
Dr. Rovina R. Piñera, OIC center director of the DA-Philippine Carabao Center at Cagayan State University, shared her expertise on “Good Animal Husbandry Practices for Carabao Production”, emphasizing the significance of proper nutrition and management in ensuring the health and productivity of carabaos.

“Carabaos are not only deeply embedded in our cultural heritage but also play a crucial role in our agricultural practices,” stated Dr. Piñera. “It is imperative that we take every measure to safeguard their population and promote their well-being.”

Dr. Phoebe Lyndia Llantada, Science Research Specialist II of the DA-PCC, provided valuable insights on “Forage Production, Utilization and Management”, guiding farmers on techniques for cultivating and managing forage crops, which serve as a vital component of a carabao’s diet.
“High-quality forage is essential for maintaining the health and vigor of our carabao,” explained Dr. Llantada. “By empowering farmers with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage forage production, we can ensure that their carabaos receive the nourishment they need to thrive.”

The training participants expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn from experts and engage with their fellow farmers.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to learn more about GAHP,” said one farmer. “We are confident that these practices will help us improve the health and productivity of our carabaos.”

After the training, the Municipality of Lamut and the farmers of Lamut expressed their plan to start a carabao breeding farm to sustain the carabao population. The municipality has already dedicated a 15-hectare piece of land for their planned carabao breeding farm.

The municipality and the farmers were very enthusiastic of the opportunity to improve their carabao population as they include the carabao in their Provincial Commodity Investment Plan (PCIP) for 2024 evidently showing its importance to the Ifugao life, serving as a symbol of strength, resilience, and prosperity.