Must-try products Milka Krem showcases 4 local stand out cheeses

Anyone who has already been at “Milka Krem”, the dairy products outlet of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) in the Science City of Munoz in Nueva Ecija, can ascertain that it has become a haven for an array of delightful, truly refreshing, and healthy products that it sells to the public.

It has products such as choco milk, fresh milk, yogurt, lacto juice, pastillas de leche, pulvoron, milkaroons and ice cream. They are made from delicious and nutritious carabaos milk supplied by the agency’s national gene pool and from the milk harvest of small-hold dairy farmers.

The dairy outlet was established to empower and support the dairy farmers in having a sure market for their milk produce. It carries the tagline “Fresh and Natural,” which is anchored on the agency’s science-based practices in developing products.

Aside from the products already mentioned, Milka Krem also offers four local cheeses that are classified as high-end.

They are Gouda cheese, Mozzarella, White cheese or the “kesong puti” and the Cream cheese.

These cheeses are worth anyone’s time in partaking them or taking them home for consumption.

Here’s how these cheeses are described and made:

Gouda cheese

According to Patrizia Camille Saturno, PCC’s Central Dairy Collection and Processing Facility (CDCF) plant manager, Gouda is a washed-curd and semi-hard kind of cheese with a creamy yellow paste made of whole ripened milk.

She said that Gouda cheese is a Dutch cheese named after a city in Netherlands. She added that it is used to be processed using cow’s milk in that country. But at PCC, she said, the Gouda cheese is produced using buffalo’s milk.

Gouda cheese, she further said, has a mild flavor and has good melting properties. She added that this type of cheese is slow to age compared to other ripened cheeses. Ripening, she explained, can be from 60 days to 6 months.

“Aged gouda is commonly used to enrich soups and sauces. It may be grated, sliced, cubed or melted and used as a table cheese or dessert cheese,” Saturno said.

She added that this cheese is available at a packing size of 100g net weight at Milka Krem at Php90 each.

She shared the how-to’s of making the gouda cheese as follows:

  • Heat the milk to about 72 to 75°C for 15 seconds and cool it toabout 43 to 45 °C;
  • Dissolve culture in small amount of milk completely and add it to the milk. Mix it for a few seconds afterwards;
  • Leave the mixture for one hour;
  • Dissolve rennet in small amount of water and add it to the milk. Mix it until incorporated;
  • Milk with added rennet will be left undisturbed for one to one and half hours for coagulation;
  • After one hour, cut the curd into squares and leave for five to ten minutes;
  • Drain the coagulum by removing the whey (30% of the total milk);
  • Add hot water (75°C, 20% of the total milk) to the curd;
  • Remove 90% of the whey;
  • Collect all the curds and press for 30 minutes under the whey;
  • After pressing, mold the curds in wheels with 3kgs each;
  • Press the curd wheels in a cheese presser for 30 mins each side;
  • Place the pressed cheese (pH 5.4-5.5) in the ripening room (12-14°C, overnight);
  • Submerge wheels into 20% brine solution at 12-14°C overnight;
  • Age for 6 months in cheese ripening room; and
  • Pack by 100g/1kg slice in a vacuum packed pouch

The procedures are applicable to any specific number of volumes of milk to be processed, she said.


Mozzarella, according to Saturno, is a type of cheese made from buffalo’s milk.

In the PCC’s CDCF, she said, three types of mozzarella cheeses are developed and sold. They are: (1) the soft-type fresh mozzarella, which has porcelain white color, lightly salted and smooth textured; (2) the pizza-type mozzarella cheese, which has low moisture content and distinguished by its unique melting and stretching characteristics; and (3) the Bocconcini, which literally means “little bites” in Italy.

Saturno said that the first type is a sweet, creamy and milky-like. It is packed with water and ideal to eat for salads and appetizers. The second, is ideal for making pizza and lasagna since it has unique melting and stretching characteristics and the third, is semi-soft, white, egg-sized, rind less, and unripened cheeses specifically used for salads and appetizers.

Saturno said that all of these mozzarella cheeses are in 125 grams net weight and are priced at Php135.

The procedures in making mozzarella are as follows:

  • Heat the milk to about 72-75°C for 15 seconds and cool it to about less than 10°;
  • Acidify the milk by adding citric acid solution to pH 5.2-5.3;
  • Heat the milk to 35 to 38°C;
  • Dissolve rennet in 100mL water for 30 to 45 minutes for coagulation;
  • Cut the curd into big cubes (about 1 to 2 square inches) and let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes;
  • Drain the whey for about 1 to 2 hours;
  • Transfer the curds into stainless steel tray and slice it thinly;
  • Sprinkle salt over curd and mix it well (2.5% salt based on weight of curd);
  • Stretch the curd with hot water (85-90°C. 1.5 parts hot water per 1 part curd) until the curd is smooth and shiny;
  • Mold the stretched curd into balls (approx 125g per ball – Mozzarella Cheese) and (approx 10g per ball – Bocconcini); and
  • Submerge the mozzarella balls into a cold water

Saturno added that this procedure is applicable to any specific number or volumes of milk to be processed as mozzarella cheese.

White Cheese

The “white cheese”, meanwhile, is an authentic Philippine cheese that literally means “kesong puti”in Tagalog.

“It is a delicious soft, unripened cheese made from pure buffaloes’ milk, ” Saturno said.

According to her, white cheese is similar to the cottage cheese queso blanco and paneer as it it has almost the same texture and slightly salty taste.

Traditionally, according to Saturno, vinegar is used to coagulate the milk in order to produce kesong puti. The use of vinegar, she said, makes the product slightly sour in taste.

But at PCC, Saturno explained, rennet is used as replacement for vinegar to eliminate the sour taste.

This cheese, according to her, originated from Bulacan, Cebu, Laguna and Samar.
“Filipinos are accustomed to eating kesong puti with pan de sal or toast bread,” she added.

At Milka Krem, this product which is at 200 grams net weight, is sold at Php70 per piece.

It is processed through the following procedures:

  • Add salt to 14 kg milk;
  • Heat the milk to 72 to 75°C for 15seconds then bring down the temperature to about 40 to 45°C;
  • Dissolve rennet in small amount of water and add it to the milk. Let it stand for one to one and a half hours;
  • After coagulation, cut the curd into squares. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes;
  • Drain the whey for about one and a half to two hours; and
  • Slice the curd into 200 grams per pack

Cream Cheese

The cream cheese, Saturno explained, is a soft unripened cheese prepared from buffalo’s milk with the use of aromatic cheese culture. It has a sweet and mild taste with a slight tang.

According to Mina P. Abella, officer-in-charge of the PCC at CLSU’s dairy outlet, cream cheese may be flavored with herbs using either basil or garlic to have additional taste.

The product can also be enjoyed as dip for chips or spreads on biscuits, bagels and toasted bread.

The packaging size for this kind of cheese, according to Honeylyn Palileo, marketing officer of Milka Krem,dairy outlet, is also at 100 grams net weight and is sold at Php60 each.

Saturno shared the process of making cream cheese, which was developed by the PCC at CLSU dairy outlet:

  • Heat the cream to about 80 to 85 oC for 3 minutes and cool it to about 26 to 30 oC;
  • Dissolve the culture in the small amount of milk and add it to the milk. Mix for a few seconds after a while;
  • Leave the product overnight at room temperature;
  • Mix it to break curds using a wire whisk. Place it in a strainer, refrigerate and let it drain for about 3 to 5 hours;
  • Weigh curd and add small amount of salt and combine it well; and
  • Pack the cream cheese in sanitized container
  • “This procedure is applicable to any specific number or volumes of milk to be processed as a cream cheese,” Saturno said.

    These four local cheeses, the Milka Krem officer attested, are must-try cheese because of their respective exceptional good taste. They make snack time more rewarding due to their high-end quality taste and healthy and delectable properties.

    The Milka Krem, located along the Maharlika Highway adjacent to the PCC main headquarters is open from 8am to 9pm. Orders can be placed through the contact details below and for Metro Manila residents, the products can be picked-up at PCC’s liaison office in the 5th floor of the DCIEC Building, National Irrigation Administration (NIA) in Quezon City during Saturdays.


    Honey Lyn Palileo
    Marketing Officer
    Email Address:
    Mobile Number: +639752104273
    Telephone Number: (044) 940 7826
    Location: Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

    Patrizia Camille O. Saturno
    Dairy Plant Manager
    Email Address:
    Mobile Number: 09179235945
    Telephone Number: (044) 940 7826
    Location: Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

PCC vets, researchers get hands-on training on RTUS for buffaloes

“We can now avoid slaughtering potential breeder animals by evaluating their carcass trait through real-time ultrasound scanning,” Dr. Ester B. Flores, national genetic improvement program (GIP) coordinator and head of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), announced this novel technology at the PCC GIP  during a training on “Real-Time Ultrasound Scanning (RTUS) of Carcass Traits on Live Cattle and Buffaloes” held January 25-29 at the PCC National Headquarters and Gene Pool in the Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.

In the Philippines, breeding values for carcass trait cannot be directly estimated because the animal has to be slaughtered first before the “eye” muscle area can be determined. Therefore, for meat-type animals, breeding values are estimated based on growth traits of its half sibs and progenies which is a long and extractive process, according to Dr. Flores.

In other countries such as North and South America, Europe, Australia, Japan, and Korea, the RTUS has already been used routinely and extensively on beef cattle. Only this time and the first in the Philippines that this technology will be used on buffaloes.

Six PCC veterinarians and two research staff whose works are related to breeding and genetic improvement comprised the participants of this training.

“The select participants came from PC centers with the large herds that are most likely to do research on meat quality traits,” Dr. Flores said.

The training, organized by the Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit of PCC, aims to inform and familiarize participants on how to use the RTUS and analyze resulting data to determine potential breeder animals for growth, fertility, and carcass traits.

Dr. Flores said, this is another innovation in the selection of carabaos to increase productivity and improve the genetic potential of Philippine water buffaloes. She added that this is also an intervention to improve the quality of meat and milk.

“The increase in meat production efficiency and quality would hopefully translate to better incomes for thousands of buffalo raisers in the country,” Dr. Flores stated. She further said that only male buffaloes are scanned for fattening purposes while female buffaloes will only be scanned strictly for research and breeding purposes.

The training provided hands-on exercises on live animal ultrasound scanning of the eye muscle area, and pregnancy diagnosis.

Dr. Matthew Lee Wolcott, a visiting scientist at PCC from the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit of the University of New England and performance beef breeders of Australia accredited ultrasound scanner, served as the resource person for the training. He provided a series of lectures on ultrasound scanning and actual demonstrations on scanning bovine species for carcass traits.

In the five-day training, Dr. Wolcott specifically discussed topics on scanned traits and trait definitions, RTUS measurement landmarks, accuracy of bovine body composition scanning, carcass yield estimation from live measurements, RTUS proficiency testing, breedplan and breedplan traits, breeding program design, necessity or appropriation of breedplan accreditation, and genetic evaluation of carcass traits in the Philippines.

During the hands-on exercises, the participants were grouped into three. Each group performed RTUS on more than 70 buffaloes using the breedplan RTU measurements on carcass traits such as P8 fat depth, P8 fat depth + hide, rib fat depth, rib fat depth + hide, and eye muscle area.

“This exercise aims to determine which bull grows faster and has more meat because some animals might grow very fast but might not necessarily have more carcass yield,” Dr. Flores explained.

The participants were evaluated based on the repeatability and accuracy of their scan results compared to the results obtained by Dr. Wolcott in the same procedure.

Native carabao figures well in niche market

Although the upgrading of the native or Philippine carabao aimed at improving its milk and meat production potentials is widespread and scoring well, there are still farmers who don’t submit their animals for the purpose. Their reason: they want to sustain the niche market in their areas which prefer milk from the native carabaos.

In the province of Bohol, the “Progreso Women and Workers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PWWMPC)” sees to it that they continuously raise female native carabaos. They want to have a continuous flow of native carabao’s “special milk” to satisfy the demand for making “milky bread” products.

With the implementation of the Dairy Enterprise Program being supervised by the Philippine Carabao Center at Ubay Stock Farm (PCC at USF) and the local government units of Alicia in partnership with the Provincial Government of Bohol, the PWWMPC, with its 150 members, was encouraged to go on with its avowed mission as it is seen to be of help to the marginalized farmers.

This cooperative, which is a big buyer of the raw milk produced by the dairy farmers, is engaged in the production of choco milk, choco milkbar and other milk-based delicacies aside from selling processed raw milk. One of its bestsellers is “milky bread”.

According to Vicente Duetes, dairy technician and milk collector of the coop, although he collects the milk harvest of the members from their native carabaos and crossbreds, he sees to it that the native carabao’s milk is placed in separate containers. He knows fully well that a big number of consumers prefer it for their processed raw milk and milk products.

For their milky bread, the milk is mixed with the flour instead of water and processed into 10 different kinds of breads. These products include enseymada, cheese breads, Spanish bread and pan de coco, which he said sell like the proverbial “hot cakes”.

Duertes said the coop members raising native carabaos produce an average of 1.5 liters of milk a day. The coop buys the milk for P45 per liter and pays the farmers for the accumulated total value of their turned in milk every 15th and 30th day of the month.

As the coop is also engaged in food catering, it makes sure that their “best selling” milk products are included among the food served.

“We are certainly getting higher income than before,” he said.

As of March 2014, the gross income of the PWWMPC for their dairy business is P43,327.10, of which, the income revenue from their bakery was P32,401 (75%). The coop is also doing well in their other business engagements.

Two coop-members of PWWMPC narrated their story behind their dairying venture.

Wilfredo Miflores of La Hacienda, Sitio Dagohoy, Alicia, in Bohol started milking his native carabaos in December 2014. He currently has six native carabaos, two of which are lactating, three are calves and the other is a bull which he uses for draft purposes.

He is collecting an average of three liters from his lactating carabaos, turning over an average earning of P3,000 a month.

“The income from my lactating native carabaos helps me provide some of the needs of my family,” Miflores said.

For Imelda Acaso of Putlongcam, Alicia, Bohol, she considers milking as a family bonding activity. Imelda, together with her husband, Felix, and son, Johnfel, are joining forces in milking their two native carabaos every six in the morning. They collect an average of one liter per carabao.

They underwent proper management and proper milking training conducted by PCC at USF.

The family, however, doesn’t own the native carabaos. They only serve as caretakers of the carabaos owned by their cousin who provided them a sharing scheme of 75%-25% from the milk sales. They get 75% from milk sales.

According to Floriano Bernales, an agricultural technician of the PCC at USF, they have model dairy farmers for each of the municipalities in their area to encourage people in dairying, whether it is for native, purebred or crossbred carabao dairying.

“We make sure that the farmers know first how to milk properly their native carabaos before we lend them purebred dairy buffaloes,” Bernales said.

He said the farmers’ family consumption of milk has been noted to be increasing as indicated by the number of liters sold. The average consumption is now 28 liters of milk of native and crossbred buffaloes per day from five municipalities of Bohol, which was a big leap from the total volume before.

“We know that the farmers here are earning more than P2,000 from the sales of milk of their native carabaos alone,” he added.

PCC at USF ties-up with DSWD

As a big boost to the dairy enterprise in Bohol, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) transferred a P10-million starter kit training fund to PCC at USF for the development of a Pilot Dairy Commodity Cluster Model Project. It is carried out under the DSWD’s Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP).

The DSWD provides the fund intended for the starter kit training on dairying for 600 beneficiaries in Bohol. Aside from the fund, DSWD is also responsible in the validation on the eligibility of the SLP beneficiaries. On the other hand, PCC is responsible for the procurement of 600 native carabaos as the basic resource for the starter kit training, validation on the compliance of the recipients to dairying requirements, and the provision of technical assistance and forage development.

“The beneficiaries should have area for milking and forage, interest in raising carabao, and animal shed. We will procure native carabaos for crossbreeding either through artificial insemination service or the bull loan program. We will distribute the carabaos in six municipalities and hopes that each will get 100 carabaos,” Bernales explained.

Aside from the DSWD fund, the Bohol provincial government, headed by Gov. Edgar M. Chatto, has provided a counterpart fund of P916,500 for the one-year insurance of the animals.

“We recently had a meeting with Usec. Emerson U. Palad and it was agreed that the government will provide funds for the milk feeding program here, which is expected to be implemented this year. A budget of P13 per child was allotted,” Bernales said.

“Under the plan, each child will be provided with 150mg of milk costing Php10, he said. The remaining Php3 is for the milky bread to be given also to the child,” he added.

He also emphasized that later on, the center will organize cooperatives with pure stock of native carabaos in CPG Bohol for the Native Carabao Development Program.

Keseo production

In Gandara, Samar, the farmers are milking their native carabaos to sustain the needs of the niche market for “keseo”, a kind of cheese.

The newly-established Keseo Processing Center in Gandara makes sure that there is always an available supply of the much sought-after “keseo” (also known as Queseo) by “Samarnons” (folks from Samar province). This kind of cheese has a big following in the area.

Under the administration of Gandara Mayor Eufemio S. Oliva, with help from partners and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the processing center for Keseo was established to cope with the increasing demand for this local cheese.

Keseo is described as a soft, unaged, homemade white cheese made from whole carabao’s milk, salt, and rennet. It has a soft close texture and slight salty taste. Some commercial versions are slightly sour due to the use of vinegar in place of rennet as a coagulant. Its production has long been a livelihood undertaking of the many residents and can be considered as one of the oldest home-based industries that made Gandara popular.

In the country, the white cheese is a popular breakfast fare eaten with the freshly baked local bread called “pan de sal”.

Operated by the Gandara Keseo Producers Association (GKPA), the processing center, situated in Barangay Natimonan has at least 45 members.

Municipal Agriculture Officer (MAO) Adelfa U. Gabejan said that the center is expected to further develop and upgrade the keseo industry in the area in terms of processing, packaging, promotion and marketing of the product.

Nilo Armamento, 49, a member of GKPA, has been engaged in dairying for five years now. He is not selling his harvested milk but instead his family processes it into keseo.

He has five carabaos, three female natives, one crossbred and one bull. He collects two liters from his lactating carabao. His wife, Joven, processes it into keseo, which is 63 mm in diameter.

“We are earning at least P300 every day from the sales of 50 keseo that we produce. We have already regular buyers for our product,” Joven said.

”Keseo” is also a much-liked delicacy in the Poblacion of Compostela in Cebu. The Compostela Market Vendors Multi-Purpose Cooperative serves as the market outlet for dairy products from the PCC at USF.

One of the suppliers of queseo and carabao’s milk to the town is Nenito Perales, 72, who has been into carabao raising and dairying for 50 years. He is collecting 1.5 liters from each of his native carabaos.

Milk candy

In San Antonio, Lalo Cagayan, one of the delicacies produced and sold in the market is the milk candy made from the native carabao’s milk.

According to Jinnifer C. Puerco, chairman of the San Antonio Dairy Carabao Raisers Association, the PCC at Cagayan State University encouraged them to try their luck in dairying.

“Some PCC staff visited and encouraged us to form an association and then helped us organized and make it operational. They provided us trainings on social preparation, basic leadership, forage production, dairy, and proper milking,” he said.

Their association was established in November 2013 with 27 active members.

Since starting raising carabaos in 2005, Jinnifer now owns eight native carabaos.

“The native carabao’s milk used for the production of milk candies in our town, is coming only here in San Antonio,” he added.

Romeo Conseha, 62, milk collector and delivery man since 2002, said he buys the milk at Php13.50 per bottle of gin (333ml) from 23 farmers and sells them, to the town’s market. Other entrepreneurs in the market also produce milk candies out of it.

The association gets a share of 50 centavos per bottle from the milk collected and accumulates an average earning of Php2,000 quarterly. Its current capital is more than Php30,000.

Bienbenido Conseha, 55, is one of the members of the association who provides milk to Romeo. He is collecting 2 liters from his two lactating carabaos which is equivalent to nine bottles of gin. His milking activities start at five in the morning. He is currently raising eight native carabaos, five of which are females, two are calves and one is a bull.

“I can’t imagine living my life without my carabao. My life almost revolves in raising carabaos,” he said.

According to Conrado Dupaya, barangay captain, there are more than 200 native carabaos in their place. He averred that “life in their place becomes ‘lighter’ because of these animals”


Certainly, as attested through the testimonies of the farmers and entrepreneurs, the native or Philippine carabaos have beneficial roles among rural farming communities. It is because their products are sought-after in their own niche markets.

Carabeef gastronomic delights
A list of must-try carabeef dishes from Luzon to Visayas

With more and more Filipinos discovering a whole new world of gastronomic delights using carabeef as their prime ingredient to a dish, the water buffalo meat is now gaining attention in the local markets and in many Filipino restaurants.

The current demand for carabeef is due to recent studies, which showed that buffaloes are better source of quality meat than cattle due to its high palatability, physiochemical, and nutritional characteristics.

Carabeef is a hit among health-conscious individuals, experts said, because it contains 40% less cholesterol and 55% less calories while it has 11% more protein and 10% more mineral compared to beef.

If you are on the search for some carabeef dishes to eat, here are some popular Filipino dishes made from carabeef to try and where to find them:

Farmers associations in South Cotabato receive dairy buffalo modules from PCC

Two dairy farmers associations in South Cotabato recently received dairy buffalo modules from the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) valued at Php9 million.

The Philippine Carabao Center at University of Southern Mindanao (PCC-USM) awarded 14 Italian buffaloes to Canahay Dairy Farmers Association in Surallah and 15 Italian buffaloes to Sto. Niño Dairy Farmers Association in Sto. Niño; both towns are in South Cotabato. The separate turn-over ceremonies were conducted last December 14.

Both occasions were highlighted with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement between PCC and the respective local government units (LGUs).

A total of 29 farmer-recipients signed a contract under the “Modified Paiwi Scheme”  25-dairy buffalo module where farmer-recipients can have full ownership of the animals after fulfillment of obligations stipulated therein.

Specified in the contract is PCC’s counterpart in terms of technical support provision in the areas of health management, breeding, dairy production, record keeping, product development and marketing for a sustainable Carabao-based Enterprise Development (CBED). The Provincial Veterinary Office will complement this role in terms of providing other animal health-related services.

The LGUs, on the other hand, expressed their full support to the dairy associations and committed to fund the needed infrastructure and purchase of milking machine. This commitment is expected to boost the envisioned goal of the dairy enterprise such as to produce fresh milk and milk-based products and make these available in the two municipalities and nearby areas, consequently increasing incomes for the families and their respective communities.

Among those who attended the occasion were: South Cotabato Governor Daisy Avance Fuentes of South Cotabato Province, Surallah Mayor Antonio O. Bendita, Sto. Niño Mayor Antonio F. Damandaman, 2nd District Congressman Fedinand L. Hernandez, Board Member Agustin Demaala, Provincial Veterinary Officer Dr. Flora D. Bigot, Municipal Agriculturists Hernie S. Labordo (Surallah) and Ofelia P. Duco (Sto. Niño),  DA-RFO XII representative Engr. Norberto Leysa, National CBED Coordinator Ericson N. dela Cruz, PCC-USM Center Director Benjamin John C. Basilio, and Dr. Jeoffrey Atok of the University of Southern Mindanao. Sangguniang Bayan members, barangay captains, officers and members of the two recipient dairy associations, and staff members from DA-LGU and PCC-USM also witnessed the ceremony.

PCC improving native carabao breed for greater productivity

For centuries, the Philippine Carabao, which is a swamp-type water buffalo, has been the ideal ally of farmers in their farm works. This animal, due to its draft power abilities aside from its being tractable and friendly, is the farmers’ reliable partner in their farming chores that without it they feel they’re less of an effective and efficient farmer.

But times have changed. With the advent of farm mechanization, the carabao’s role has been diminished and it is now underutilized, especially with the presence of an increasing number of its cousin – the riverine or dairy type carabaos.

All is not lost for the Philippine carabao.

True to its mandate under Republic Act No. 7307 to conserve, propagate and promote the carabao as a source of milk, meat, draft power and hide to benefit rural farming families, the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) is pursuing the noble and challenging undertaking of improving the breed of the native carabao. It is committed to the task of establishing a gene pool for Philippine Carabao in which the selection for economically important traits of this animal is to be done. These traits include growth, carcass quality and reproductive abilities.

Under this program, foremost in the list of must-do for this animal is to improve its size, weight and capabilities to yield more draft power, meat, milk and other benefits that can be derived from it.

In the genetic improvement program (GIP) of the Philippine carabao, the conservation efforts will underscore the maintenance of a viable herd and long-term storage of germplasm in the form of frozen semen, and perhaps frozen embryos.

“We are focusing on improving the meat production potential of the native or swamp buffaloes, increasing more of its growth rate and improving some of the specific muscle areas that are of high value,” Dr. Ester B. Flores, PCC national GIP coordinator, revealed.

She said the breeding program is meant to increase the productivity of the Philippine carabao for meat because it already has good structure and form for draft power.

“If it will be sold for meat, then why not increase its dressing percentage?” she asked.

Improving growth potential

According to Flores, in terms of economic benefits, the changes in the potential growth rate of the native carabao can be translated into economic value with less efforts and just involves the use of improved genetics of the swamp buffaloes.

“Through the fast growth rate of swamp buffaloes, the farmers can sell these at a younger age with market weight of 400 kg,” she said.

A write-up on “Updates on Philippine Swamp Buffalo Gene Pool and Breeding Program” conducted by the GIP team of Flores indicated that, to date, there are 1,266 growth records available for analysis. In recent years, a general improvement in weight and ADG (average daily gain), especially among the younger calves, was noted. This validates the selection of replacement bulls for breeding.

Growth trend indicates linear growth up to 24 months of age. ADG at 12months had the most consistent steady increase as there was a 153% increase in 2014 relative to 2004. This was followed by ADG at 18 months.

This is translated to a slightly higher body weight at 12 and 18 months compared to 2004 prior to the start of the breeding program.

By making the native carabao grow faster, she said, it will provide farmers additional income as the animal will attain market weight faster.

“If the native carabao will have more meat, the farmers can get bigger income,” Flores pointed out.

The study also indicated that there is a potential for the PC to increase its meat-type breed with a more formal genetic evaluation and selection program. Thus, genetic evaluation to estimate breeding values for growth rate, carcass and maternal traits should be given more emphasis as well as genetic correlations among these traits.

“We should select bulls or breeders that are fast growers to improve the whole population. In the next round, you have to match up your breeder with a female swamp buffalo then the calf will be used for breeding for the next generation. That is why the improvement is quite visible from 240g of ADG to 400g. That is the effort of the selection and breeding program,” Flores said.

She added: “If a farmer wants to get the semen, we have good quality semen for native carabaos with excellent conformation, faster growth rate and is definitely pure. You will see here the effort of PCC to help increase the income of farmers if ever they will sell their animals for meat. We are not developing a new breed but we are actually improving the potential of our Philippine carabao, which we call our own swamp buffaloes.”

Meanwhile, Flores believes that the program won’t affect the population of swamp buffaloes for the farmers won’t sell all his animals but instead will keep the females for reproduction purposes.

“They won’t definitely sell their source of income. A good reason for the conservation of a species is for it to have an economic value. If it provides much benefits, it will be taken care of and make it reproduce,” she said.

Genetic conservation

Now that climate change is becoming an issue that might cause some animal species to disappear, PCC is exerting more active efforts to identify sanctuaries and increase village-based gene pools for swamp buffaloes and with cryopreservation of germplasm for future generations.

These village-based gene pools are areas identified by PCC where the native carabao population will be conserved and become carabao sanctuaries. Introduction of foreign breeds of buffaloes, such as the Murrah breed, will be avoided in coordination with concerned local government units in areas where these carabao sanctuaries are located.

“We have active conservation efforts and we are actually cryobanking germplasms, so that is the insurance to our mandate to conserve and propagate. We have two ways of doing it: conservation by improving its economic value, and conservation by preserving, cryobanking and maintaining the good genes,” Dr. Flores said.

Continuous backcrossing

Crossbreeding is another way to improve its breed in areas that are of dairy source. The desired end-result is the production of crossbreds, from the crossing of purebred Murrah bulls and female Philippine Carabaos, with 50% exotic blood and 50% Philippine Carabao blood.

Increasing the riverine blood in the crossbred buffalo population is intended for higher milk production. This is done by repeated backcrossing to different riverine bulls up to fourth generation. Continuous backcrossing will result to a 93.75% riverine blood with higher milk production.

“We are developing our own Philippine Dairy through backcrossing because we only have few purebreds imported from other countries that serve as our genetic resource. These are what we use in the selection for genetic improvement. They will reproduce through continuous backcrossing of the native and riverine breed. If it reaches 93% that is almost pure and we can call it our own Philippine dairy buffalo breed,” Flores explained.

An example of this successful continuous backcrossing activity is the herd of crossbred dairy buffaloes owned by Robert Garbino of Barangay Dalid in Calinog, Iloilo. Garbino is a member of the Calinog-Lambunao-Bingawan Carabao Raisers Association (CLB-CARA) and a farmer-partner of PCC at Western Visayas State University (WVSU).

One of the crossbreds, named “Julia” with ID number 6WVC080163, has a 75% riverine blood having been a product of a successful artificial insemination by Anjo Palmes, a PCC-trained village-based AI technician (VBAIT). The animal gave birth to a female calf with 87% riverine blood in 2014 out of AI process and was named “Krissy”.

“Julia” was recorded to have an average of 5.7 liters of milk production per day at 181 days of lactation and calvings in February 2012, February 2013 and February 2014 with 12 months of calving interval. “Krissy”, on the other hand, recorded an average of eight liters of milk per day for 45 days and has just calved in early January 2015.

“We are very grateful that we have these crossbreds because of the income they are providing us. I was a construction worker before and only earned P350 for a day’s work, but now that I have my crossbreds, I earn thousands of pesos from milk sales in just a half-day of work,” Garbino proudly stated.

The two crossbreds were awarded as “Best Senior Crossbred Dairy Cow” and “Best Junior Crossbred Dairy Cow”, respectively, during the PCC 22nd founding anniversary last March 27.

These crossbreds are certainly proof enough that given the necessary attention and care, these animals can be at par with the imported dairy breed.

Muñoz City hosts Nueva Ecija’s 9th Gatas ng Kalabaw Festival

The 9th edition of Nueva Ecija’s annual “Gatas ng Kalabaw (Carabao’s Milk) Festival” was showcased anew on December 9 as the province continues its relentless pursuit to be recognized and declared as the “Dairy Capital of the Philippines”.

With the Science City of Muñoz acting as host, this year’s celebration coincided with the city’s 15th charter anniversary and the 3rd Uhay Festival.

The milk festival is aimed at promoting dairy buffalo milk not only for economic benefits but also for the enhancement of health and nutrition among small-hold dairy farmers and their families as well as the consumers in general.

The celebration started with a parade participated by officials from government agencies, local government units (LGUs), and dairy cooperatives from Gen. Natividad, Llanera, San Jose City, Science City of Muñoz and Talavera towns.

“This festival aims to showcase the importance of carabao’s milk not only to farmers but also to all of us,” Dr. Nestor L. Alvarez, mayor of Science City of Muñoz, said in his opening remarks during the program held at the city’s gymnasium.

Highlight of the celebration was the symbolic “tagay pugay (toast of salutation)”, a simultaneous milk toasting and drinking featuring school children and representatives from partner private institutions and government agencies. It underscored the significance of multi-sectoral efforts in promoting and uplifting the local dairy industry in Nueva Ecija, which is the National Impact Zone (NIZ) of the Carabao Development Program (CDP) of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC).

The PCC also prepared a 6×4-feet size of kesong puti (white cottage cheese) which was served with pan de sal as breakfast fare for the participants.

Other activities involved were ecumenical service, trade fairs, milk feeding program and cooking demo on how to make mozzarella and pastillas tart.

Meanwhile, PCC deputy executive director Dr. Felomino V. Mamuad encouraged everyone present in the celebration to help uplift the dairy industry in the country and help improve the volume of carabao milk produce in Nueva Ecija province for it to be declared as the “milk capital of the Philippines”.

He also extended PCC’s gratitude to the LGUs of Nueva Ecija and other agencies that are supporting PCC’s endeavors to develop and strengthen the local dairy industry for the benefit of local dairy farmers.

Spearheaded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in partnership with the Science City of Munoz LGU, the carabao milk festival is also aimed at promoting local products and for the people to be aware of and patronize the province’s locally produced commodities.

The festival, which was initiated in 2007, involves technical working groups headed by PCC, DTI, Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Agriculture (DA) as well as provincial and local government units.

The LGUs of San Jose, Llanera, Talavera, General Natividad, and the Science City of Muñoz are involved in the hosting of the festival as part of the efforts to promote the one-town-one-product (OTOP) system.

DTI Provincial Director Brigida Pili reiterated to the audience the quest of the province to be recognized as the “Dairy Capital of the Philippines”.

“There are also other provinces which are aiming for the title whereas, for me, but I am not lifting our own chair, I know and PCC knows that Nueva Ecija has the most number of carabaos and the most number of liters of milk produce. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s help each other achieve our dream of becoming the ‘dairy capital of the Philippines’. I fervently hope that the determination and commitment would come from all of us,” she emphasized.

During the program, the DTI provincial director revealed that to date the agency has awarded milking machines to 13 dairy cooperatives. She also announced that before the year 2015 ends, it will award Php300,000 worth of equipment to Catalanacan Multi-Purpose Cooperative as part of DTI’s “Shared Service Facilities” program.




Native carabaos are forever

Not a few animal experts have expressed the fear of losing the blood lines of the native carabaos.

Their fear is not totally baseless, though. The heightened efforts on improving the breed of native carabaos, by way of artificial insemination and the fielding of quality bulls of the imported breed, are on-going and thousands of carabao farmer-owners are responding favorably.

Complementing the efforts on producing more crossbreds is the distribution of modules of carabaos of the dairy breed, which, of course, are also multiplying fast. And, in the face of these developments, some apprehension have been expressed that attention to the breed of the native carabaos as well as their continual development may wane and eventually cause detrimental effects on the welfare or survival of this animal.

Will it happen?

“It will not happen,” officials of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) assured.

“There are parallel efforts to conserve and use the native carabaos,” they added.

These parallel efforts are as intense and developments indicate that the breed of the native carabaos will forever be in the agricultural scene in the country. In fact, institutions and private groups as well as individuals driven by the necessity of maintaining breeds of native carabaos are making sure that their animals are not mixed with the blood of the foreign breed.

Native carabaos

Accounts about this beloved of animals on the agricultural scene tell us that it is not indigenous or native to the country. Known worldwide as the water buffalo, having two types, which are the riverine and swamp types, it was the latter that was brought to the country by the migrants.

The swamp-type buffalo, known locally as carabao, was like manna from heaven as it has soon become the farmers’ friendly ally in myriads of agricultural works. Being a very reliable and sturdy animal, which has a docile temperament, it was also harnessed for several uses – like, among others, being a power for some transport facilities, for trudging difficult and perilous terrains, as players in cultural and sporting events, center of attention in festivals, for food, as a ready bank in case of unexpected need for some financial travails, and others.

Over time, however, despite its importance to humans, particularly in the countryside, the carabao suffered neglect in terms of its breed, proper nutrition and care. It dwindled in size and weight. It also suffered decimation of its population due to the onslaught of diseases, indiscriminate slaughtering, and even massacre during the war on suspicion that they were being used by the enemies in transporting armaments and provisions.

This undeserved fate that befell on this animal prevailed for a long time. Thus, many of these animals appeared to be a far cry from the big and robust animal that they used to be. Until some positive steps were undertaken by persons or authorities concerned, that is, although a little bit late in coming.

In the early 1970’s, research and development works on the carabao became the seed that eventually became the impetus for more beneficial things to come the way of this animal. Then funding from the UNDP-FAO, with counterpart funding from the national government, the strengthening of the carabao research and development project, which included upgrading of its breed, was carried out for several years. And, eventually, the Philippine Carabao Act of 1992 was enacted.

Among others, the law provides to “conserve, propagate, and promote the Philippine carabao as a source of draft animal power, meat, milk and hide.” Then, as provided by law, the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) was created with the assigned priorities to increase the carabao population and its productivity, undertake reproduction, breeding, nutrition and animal health activities, and conduct researches to ensure economic viability and acceptance of the technologies for the farmers.

Thus, while the upgrading of the native carabaos take place, through the introduction of the blood of the riverine-type by way of crossbreeding and backcrossing, the cause of conserving and utilizing the breed of the native carabao is not forgotten.

Current practices and efforts indicate that this is true.

Conservation and use in Batanes

There’s a place called “Marlboro Country” in Batanes. It is in the southern part of municipality of Mahatao, in the middle section of the Batan Island, comprising 167.93 hectares which is one-third of the total land area of the town. They call the place as “Racuh a Payaman”, a declared Communal Pasture Land Parcel 1, encompassed by 23 sitios belonging to either of the four barangays of Hanib, Panatayan, Kaumbakan and Uvoy.

The larger part of this area is occupied by the Cattle Raisers Association of Communal Pastureland No. 1, the oldest and most intact group in Batanes. Among others, the association, as spelled out in its management objectives, “ensures equitable access of individuals, associations and communities to benefits derived from grazing lands through co-production sharing scheme.”

The entire area is provided with a perimeter fence.

In a separate place within the communal pasture land area, in Barangay Uvoy, about 116 hectares are devoted for the raising and use of native carabaos. Also managed by another association, its 32 members composed of farmers and fishermen have 135 native carabaos.

Each of the members, who own an average of six carabaos each, is given specific areas to tend his animals. He pays P60 per head annually, on top of his payment of P500 as lifetime member of the association, which amounts are used for the upkeep of the area and for the needed support for improvements.

“We bought breeder carabao bulls which we loaned out to the association to improve the genetic quality of their carabaos,” said Dr. Alberto Tabile, provincial veterinarian. “Their carabaos weigh from 300 to 400 kilograms each,” he added.

Alejandro Camacho Jr., OIC municipal agriculturist of Mahatao said the association is making sure that only native carabaos are maintained by the farmers in the pasture land.

“We can say that their carabaos are ‘organic’. They are not vaccinated nor injected with medicine and they don’t practice deworming,” Camacho Jr. said.

He said the mortality rate is almost negligible as the members take home and confine their carabaos in their backyard when they are about to give birth. The calves are reared for two to three months before they are brought to the communal pasture area.

“Our municipal government provides some assistance to the members of the association in terms of the forage materials, rain collector and others,” the OIC municipal agriculturist said. “We also see to it that the set rules and regulations of the association are adhered to,” he added.

Joenard Carzon, the association’s vice chair, said the members follow strictly the rules that they themselves have set.

“They are not allowed to take out their carabaos from their assigned grazing area without the permission of the chairman of the board or president of the association,” he said. “They are also on strict orders to make sure that their animals are confined only in the respective areas assigned to them. These must be done by fencing their respective areas,” he added.

He said there is a team assigned to check if the perimeter fences are in order. For a carabao that is found to have gone astray, the owner is fined P200.

“Our set time for the visit of the farmers of their native carabaos is from five o’clock to seven o’clock in the morning and three in the afternoon every Sunday,” Carzon said. “But they are also allowed to visit their animal anytime provided they get the necessary permission,” he added.

The farmers normally take the animals out of the communal ranch for their work in the field from December to March for the planting of palay and root crops.

“The members are constrained to sell their animals fit for slaughtering when they need money to finance the studies of their children. They sell it for P20,000 to P25,000 each regardless of whether it is male or female,” Carzon said.

The members declared they will continuously maintain their herd of native carabaos, saying that the animals are very useful for their works in the field and as serve as ready cash when they are in dire need for money.

Conservation and traits improvement

In the town of Peñablanca in Cagayan, a total of 92 native carabaos, 67 of which are females, are lodged in a secured area for conservation. The place has been designated as the national conservation site for the native carabaos.

“We have individual records for these animals,” Rubina R. Piñera, training specialist III of the PCC at Cagayan State University, said. “Their records are in a data base, which is also given to our Genetic Improvement Program (GIP) office in the PCC national headquarters,” she revealed.

The growth rate and reproductive performance of each of the native carabaos are monitored and recorded, she added.

The best of the bulls in the herd have been sent to the PCC national bull farm in Barangay Joson in Carranglan, Nueva Ecija as semen donors.

“Whenever we need frozen semen for the AI service of the breedable native carabaos in the conservation site, we get it from Digdig,” Piñera said. Digdig, the former name of Barangay Joson, is what PCC personnel call the national bull farm.

Some of the frozen semen are distributed to interested farmers elsewhere for the propagation of their native carabaos. The others are cryo-banked for conservation.

“Part of the plan for the conservation efforts of the native carabao is the development of frozen embryos which will be used when needed,” Piñera said.

The calving interval of the dam is reported to be good. The body weight of the conserved animals appeared to be good also as they weigh at an average of 350 kilograms each at 24 months in age.

“As part of the master plan for the conservation of our native carabaos, improvement of the carcass traits of the animals is studied. We are following the same plan under the GIP on what kinds of native carabaos—taking into account their traits, performance and other attributes—that we should develop,” Piñera said.

The outstanding animals in our conservation site will be distributed to cooperatives or farmer-cooperators who are keen on raising native carabaos for their intended purposes, she added.

Native carabaos sanctuary in the Visayas

In the island-town of Pres. Carlos P. Garcia (CPG) in Bohol, it is a “no-no” to bring in live carabaos or frozen semen of carabaos of foreign breed.

The island-town, which is about 15 minutes by boat from the port of Ubay, Bohol, now boasts of some 300 native carabaos in the hands of the farmers. Some of these animals hulk to more than 500 kilograms each.

The municipality’s pursuit in preserving the native carabaos was given a necessary push through a memorandum of agreement (MOA) on the carabao development program (CDP) with the PCC at Ubay Stock Farm (PCC at USF) signed in 2010. The MOA is focused on the conservation, improvement and use of the native carabaos in the island.

CPG is the only island-town in the country dedicated for the conservation of the native carabao, and it is but befitting, for the town is named after former President Carlos P. Garcia renowned for implementing and popularizing the “Filipino First Policy”—preferring, conserving and cherishing what the nation owns.

“That is what I want, to conserve our native carabaos and to cherish what is really ours,” CPG Mayor Tesalonica Boyboy said.

Moreover, the town has enacted a local ordinance prohibiting the slaughtering of female carabaos in order to preserve the local breed.

Tie-up with PCC at USF

In accordance with its mission to promote and provide direction for the development of the carabao industry, the PCC implements, alongside with its other responsibilities, the conservation and utilization of the Philippine native buffaloes as well as the dissemination of appropriate carabao-based technologies.

As indicated in the covering MOA ), the CPG residents will raise only native carabaos. It will not allow the application of the intensified artificial insemination services using Murrah buffalo semen.

As the town is isolated from the Bohol mainland, it is the most ideal area for the conservation and utilization of the native carabaos. Its surrounding areas, mostly rolling in nature with lush vegetation, are very conducive to carabao production.

In order to accelerate the development and improvement of the native carabaos, the PCC at USF and the CPG LGU agreed to launch and implement a program that allows qualified cooperators access to good quality animals and technical support for carabao production and marketing activities of the native carabaos.

The PCC at USF released 11 quality native carabao bulls to service the 533 female carabaos owned by the local farmers.

“We are selecting the best bulls to continuously breed and improve the quality of the native carabaos. These bulls will be used for semen extraction and subsequent insemination,” Dr. Caro Salces, PCC at USF center director, said.

He added that the other males will be considered for the carabao meat industry.

Another goal of the CPG town and the PCC is to develop the native carabaos for dairy production, specifically for cheese processing as the native carabao’s milk has a lot of solids and contains high fat. The cheese made out of it is deemed very saleable.

At present, the PCC at USF has 101 head of native carabaos in their institutional facility.

PC gene is safe over continuous carabao upgrading

In a survey conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) last January 2015, it showed that the country has a 2.85M carabao population. From these, the PCC stated that there were an estimated 43,000 head of milking animals, comprising Bulgarian and Brazilian murrah buffaloes, Italian Mediterranean breed, and the crossbreds.

“From 43,000 head of animals, we actually have 10,000 head of our imported breeds while about 29,700 are crossbreds,” Dr. Annabelle S. Sarabia, PCC’s chief of operations said.

She added that the implementation of PCC’s program in carabao upgrading can be considered as a “speck in a bottle. “This is because the number of crossbreds was fewer compared to the number of native carabaos,” she added.

“However, the PCC’s efforts in carabao upgrading are creating a big impact in the country as farmers benefits’ from the program and milk production in the country are continuously increasing,” she emphasized.

Beyond that, of course, the PCC also ensures everyone that the breed of native carabaos would not be lost in the frenzy of carabao upgrading. The agency is confident because of their conservation and cryopreservation efforts.

According to Dr. Arnel N. Del Barrio, PCC acting executive director, PCC’s conservation efforts can be simply seen through its established in-situ gene pool of native carabaos.

Del Barrio said that the agency has a gene pool of native carabaos in PCC at CSU and native herds in PCC at USF in Peñablanca, Cagayan Valley and Ubay, Bohol, respectively.

The PCC at CSU serves as the national site of native carabaos in the Philippine, he added.

Cryopreservation efforts

Aside from conservation efforts, PCC also cryopreserves the genes of the Philippine Carabao.

Cryopreservation, as defined by scientist and experts, is a process wherein cells, whole tissues, or any other substances susceptible to damage caused by chemical reactivity or time are preserved by cooling to sub-zero temperatures.

In the PCC, cryopreservation is done by subjecting germplasms or biological samples (which include semen, oocytes, embryos, blood and somatic cells of livestock species) to -196 degrees celsius for the boiling point of liquid nitrogen.

According to Lilian P. Villamor, head of the cryobanking facility, cryobanking at PCC was already started in 2012 when Dr. Libertado C. Cruz was still the PCC executive director.

“Now, the facility, which is located inside the Livestock Innovations and Biotechnology (LIB) complex of the PCC national headquarters and gene pool in the Science City of Muñoz in Nueva Ecija, is deemed as as the national cryobank in the country,” she said.

“At present, the facility banks germplasms of cattle, goats and carabao,” she stated.

She added that there have been initial efforts to bank germplasm of others livestock species that include native species of pigs, chicken and ducks, but, arrangements with various entities are still in process.

Villamor mentioned that the main reason of cryobanking is to address the following concerns: climate change preparedness, sustainability of genetic materials and saving the genes of threatened wild livestock species.

“Cryobanking can support the establishment of PCC’s in-situ gene pool of buffaloes. It is also a way where we can back-up germplasms of our animals with good genetic merit for future use,” Villamor said.

She further explained that:

“Being prepared in the changing climate means, whatever happens to our live animals, whether it dies or something, we can be sure that we can still have the genes of these animals in the future.”

“Another is that, we can sustain supply of genetic materials through cryobanking and this effort can help us to preserve the indigenous species of livestock, especially the wild threatened animals like the tamaraw.”

“Cryobanking can be a tool to preserve the genetic diversity of animals so that we can preserve the ecological balance,” she further said.

Villamor mentioned that the collection of germplasms, specifically for the native carabaos, has just started. Though, she added that, in close coordination with Dr. Ester Flores, PCC national GIP coordinator, they are planning to bank many germplasms of native animals too for future use.

“We just bank germplasms of animals with high genetic merit here in the cryobank facility,” she further said.

Importance of the Philippine Carabao underscored anew

Undersecretary for Operations (Livestock) Jose C. Reaño has reiterated the significant role of the carabao or the swamp buffalo in Philippine Agriculture.

“The carabao is a major contributor in the agricultural industry. It provides us meat and dairy products for consumption and contributes to a more sustainable agriculture. Being an agricultural nation, we must give importance to carabao as it is owned by almost 99% of smallholder-farmers,”  he pointed out in his message delivered during the opening program of the 1st National Carabao Conference held Dec. 3-4 at the national headquarters and gene pool of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) in the Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija.

The conference was attended by some 300 key stakeholders who are actively involved in the PCC’s Carabao Development Program (CDP), which included farmers, local government officials and representatives from various government agencies and private organizations.

Among the leading government officials who graced the opening program were Rep. Mark Llandro L. Mendoza, chairperson of the committee on agriculture and food at the House of Representatives, and Rep. Mark A. Villar of the lone district of Las Piñas City.

The gathering focused on the theme: “Celebrating Partnerships in Championing the Carabao Development Program.

Usec Reaño also stressed the importance of attaining the complete value chain of commodities by being productive.

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort”, he pointed out, quoting the late Paul J. Meyer, a noted entrepreneur and author.

For his part, Rep. Mendoza reiterated the importance of close cooperation and linkage between  farmers and government agencies, such as PCC, to sustain development programs that will help boost the livestock sector, and address the food security and nutritional status of the farming communities.

Meanwhile, Dr. Arnel N. del Barrio, PCC acting executive director, expressed the hope that the 1st National Carabao Conference will lead to a positive result.

“This activity aimed to share information about the best practices and technologies in the dairy sector and we hope that this gathering becomes a dynamic and major contributor to agricultural development through the active participation of stakeholders of the livestock industry in its pursuit of achieving national food security, particularly through the Carabao Development Program,” he stated.

“We hope that this conference will become an avenue where key stakeholders of the carabao industry convene to formulate and implement appropriate measures based on informed and collaborative decision-making to address the current dairy issues and concerns,” Del Barrio added.

The conference featured presentations by various experts on the following topics:  Value Chain Analysis of Carabao and Carabao-based products in Luzon; Performance of the Carabao Industry; PCC programs in relation to food security; Industry Strategic Plan (ISP) for Dairy Buffalo; Impact Assessment of the PCC’s Carabao Development Program; of the PCC Dairyard Concept GKEF: Building the Filipino Dream through Private and Public Partnership; The Carabao Slaughter Ban: A Revisit, and Carabao Industry Advocacies and Legislative Agenda; and Climate Smart Strategies in addressing the El Niño phenomenon.

The conference participants were also provided with insights on government-funded activities and PCC partnerships of with the local government units in the conduct of CDP through the following topics: Shared Service Facility Scheme of the Department of Trade and Industry for Dairy; The DSWD Sustainable Livelihood Program for Dairy, and Partnership Milestones in Nueva Ecija, Bohol and in some provinces of Region II.

Further, select cooperative chairpersons that have shown considerable success in raising buffaloes and engaging in carabao-based enterprises shared their unique strategies and experiences in dairying.

Other activities were a tour of PCC’s major facilities and a product exhibition.

The gathering was capped by a planning workshop that focused on solutions to key issues and concerns in the carabao dairy industry.

The National Carabao Conference is envisioned to be a regular annual activity as part of continuing initiatives to promote and enhance the development of the Philippine carabao industry with a view to making it a significant contributor to overall efforts to alleviate poverty, improve nutrition, enhance equitable income distribution and boost people empowerment.