Urdaneta City reaffirms commitment on carabao dairying, holds 1st KALAMILK fest

The City of Urdaneta renews its support to local dairy farmers through the launching of the 1st KALAMILK food festival as an avenue to promote carabao-based dairy products. The festival coincided with the celebration of the City’s 18th charter anniversary held at the Urdaneta Convention and Sports Center on March 15. City Mayor Amadeo Gregorio […]

PCC at UPLB soon to host Milka Krem branch

True to its commitment of bringing marketing opportunities for the dairy farmers, the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) is soon to establish a Milka Krem branch in its regional center at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). The groundbreaking ceremony was held last March 6 beside the UPLB’s Baker Memorial Hall. The Milka Krem […]

PCC lists 51st partner-cooperative

Provision of support for sustainable carabao-based enterprises in rural farming communities is one of the services of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) to its farmer clients. An example of which is the conduct of a social preparation training (SPT) for newly-formed cooperatives. The most recent of which was done for Buklod ng Samahang Magsasaka (BSM) […]

Recent issues, challenges of R&D in the country taken up in S&T forum

“Without research, application of the latest innovations and technologies in biotechnology wouldn’t be possible.” Dr. Arnel N. Del Barrio, acting executive director of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), emphasized this need for research for development in his welcome message on a science and technology forum held last February 19 at the PCC National Headquarters and […]

KM4CBE: PCC revs up in knowledge management across network

“Over the past several years, the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) only uses external knowledge management (KM) to promote its programs and services. Internal KM, on the other hand, is practiced across the network but not documented by the agency. This is why knowledge has to be explicit to fully utilize its benefits”. This was a […]

P64M-worth PCAARRD-PCC collaborative R4D projects commence after inception meeting

Long-time research and development partners Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) and Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) begin the implementation of five projects under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-PCAARRD funding in an inception meeting held last February 10 at the PCC National Headquarters and Gene Pool, Science City […]

PCC improves on accounting systems for stress-free financial reporting

The Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) Administrative and Finance Division (AFD) takes another step to show its transparency to the public with regard to its fund disbursement and utilization through a hassle-free financial statements preparation and reporting. This was the expected result of the recently held, “Year-End Closing of Books and Financial Evaluation and Assessment for […]

Must-try products Milka Krem showcases 4 local stand out cheeses

Anyone who has already been at “Milka Krem”, the dairy products outlet of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) in the Science City of Munoz in Nueva Ecija, can ascertain that it has become a haven for an array of delightful, truly refreshing, and healthy products that it sells to the public. It has products such […]